9893 Pte, KOYLI. A regular soldier, enlisted 20/10/1908 in Special Reserve. Served 9 months in South Africa in 1910, 2 years in Hong Kong 1911-1913, 1 year in Singapore 1913-1914, France 1915-1916. Received injury to knee and bullet wound to right ankle. Discharged as unfit for further duty 17/7/1916 age 27, intended place of residence given as 7 Crossland Road, Hathersage. b1896 Attercliffe, Sheffield, 1917 he married Caroline Hopkinson b c1876 Sheffield, (widow, née Rhodes). Their daughter Marjorie Mary Whitmore b 1918, married James Harold Holmes, brother of Bernard Holmes. Ernest died 1918 age 32 and his wife died 1957, both buried in Hathersage churchyard.