Subsequent to the publication in 2014 by Hathersage Branch of the Royal British Legion of “When Hathersage Went to War 1914-1918”, members of the public pointed out relatives and other individuals who had not been included. This called for additional research into sources beyond those originally investigated. So many additional people were subsequently discovered, that a supplementary publication was produced called “The Hathersage Connections”. It was then decided to publish all the information on this website, including even more names and details which continue to be discovered.
As far as possible the format has been standardised to show an individual’s war involvement first, followed by any other of their personal history. It should be noted that many people described passed through more than one military unit during their military service, giving them different identification numbers, and these may not necessarily be listed here in chronological order.
Unfortunately, more than half of the WW1 Army service records were destroyed in September 1940, when a German bombing raid struck the War Office repository in Arnside Street, London. However, an estimated 2.8 million service records survived the bombing or were reconstructed from the records of the Ministry of Pensions. This means that there is a roughly a 40% chance of finding the service record of a soldier who was discharged at some time between 1914 and 1920.
While every effort has been taken to ensure the accuracy of the following information, no responsibility can be accepted for errors or discrepancies. We would welcome feedback from anyone who would like to point out mistakes, or give additional sources for information, and if these can be verified as authentic, we will try and include such information in due course. On this website here is a facility for passing on such information.
The principles followed for inclusion in these listings is whether a person has been connected to the following Ecclesiastical, Electoral or Civil Parishes, by being born or living there, or having parents who were born or lived there. These include Hathersage, Outseats, Highlow, Offerton and Padley, (In 1935 part of the parish of Hathersage was transferred to the Parish of Nether Padley).
Leam, Hazelford and Abney communities have also been included. Leam and Hazelford are really in Eyam Woodlands (or now Grindleford) Parish, but very close to Leadmill bridge. Abney is in Bradwell Parish not Hathersage, but it is felt that residents there consider they are probably more closely part of Hathersage, as it is some two miles nearer than Bradwell and therefore more convenient for most amenities.